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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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here but kennedy, this is toxic for the president of the united states in a political year. >> the one thing you can say about president trump is he has the confidence of the more extreme wing of his own party. >> harris: he can get out and talk, what you are saying with biden? >> nobody to talk to he is getting sandwich from both sides. >> we have time for you you look like you will jump off the couch. >> these kids finally after two months ago the senate passed a foreign aid package which includes 14 billion for israel finally the house may act on it this week. it's about time. it's been over two months here. >> harris: looking for a lifeline for him israel which the country needs that, auntie anti-semitism be damned, excusey language, "america reports" now.
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>> freedom of speech does not include freedom to harass. freedom of speech does not include freedom to threaten. for jewish students the need is urgent. the time for solutions is now. >> we have to hold the administrators accountable for what they are doing or not doing. >> mohammed abdul who was hired after the october 7 terrorist attacks against israel. he, on october 11th posted yes, i am with hamas and hezbollah and islamic jihad. >> what are the consequent as in this case? >> i have five will be to been taken out of the classroom were dismissed. >> is he one of those? >> he will never work at columbia again. >> top of a brand-new hour we are keeping an eye on capitol hill with the house hearing on anti-semitism so far we have heard columbia university president and the school's board of trustees defending their response to anti-semitism on the campus. all of this as anti-israel
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protests on that very campus today. hello and welcome everyone i'm sandra smith in new york and look who is joining us. >> double duty today, great to be here, good to be with you i'm bill, john has the day off welcome to "america reports," watching this on the hill all day, the college newspaper says that they set up camp earlier this morning hours before the college president sat for that testimony you heard. speak to students are reportedly pledging to occupy space until they divest from companies tied to israel. we have fox news coverage right now bill melugin on how a west coast college canceled its valedictorian's graduation speech over safety concerns but first we go to cb cotton live outside columbia's campus gates what are they saying about the protests? >> hi, center, good afternoon. we hear the chants from where we
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are located outside of columbia university's campus. we are not allowed on the school grounds but again we are seeing a lot of activity associated with this protest, you can see these happening there only allowing students and student ids on the premises today and the message we are hearing from these protesters are exactly what a congressional committee investigating anti-semitism on campus hopes to get to the bottom of in d.c. pro-palestinian demonstrators set up tents on the south lawn of the university early this morning and these students are pledging to stay there until the university divests from companies with ties to israel. according to social media post we have been monitoring the students are also protesting the suspension of two pro-palestinian student groups. i can right now the university is restricting access to colombian i.d. holders and checking badges. the school tells fox this safety concern and a violation of university policies they are telling students they need to
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leave. jewish students have testified they don't feel safe on campus. columbia's president said today the extra matters are keeping them out and keeping protests safe. >> i promise you from the messages i am hearing from students, they are getting the message. >> thank you. thank you. >> now we will continue to watch what happens with this protest whether it grows or whether the nypd and school officials kick the students out, back to you. >> sandra: cb cotton on the forest thank you. >> bill: with the university of southern california has canceled to this year's valedictorian over safety concerns. those concerns stemming from anti-israeli statements that she promoted on social media. vibill melugin on that in l.a. w to do get hot water what was
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said and spoken? >> bill, she promoted a link on her instagram that calls for israel to be completely abolished. now that usc has pulled the rug out from under her she says she is a target of racist anti-muslim rhetoric. the university decided to bar valedictorian from delivering a graduation speech due to what they are calling "security concerns" she is a biomedical engineering major with a minor in resistance to. genocide but for the several on off campus groups have flagged a link that says "one palestinian state would mean palestinian liberation and the complete abolishment of the state of israel. this way is the only way towards justice" now in their decision to bar her from giving the speech, usc said there is no free speech entitlement and they are decision is based on safety
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things the intensity of feelings and ongoing conflict in the middle east has many voices outside of usc and creating substantial risks. now ansa tabassum responded to that on islamic relations saying "anti-muslim and anti-palestinian voices have subjected me to a campaign of racist hatred because of my uncompromising belief in human rights for all." tabassum appeared on another network last night when she was asked directly does she endorse the idea israel should be completely abolished and she repeatedly dodged the question and then said answering yes or no would be a "injustice" to the issue. >> bill: thank you we will have more on the rise of anti-semitism across the country and there is a political side in the story too. how does president biden handle this during an election year?
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carol markowitz joins us on that coming up next hour here. first this. >> more recent data shows solid continued strength in the liberal market but also a lack of further progress so far this year on returning to our 2% inflation. the recent data have clearly not given us greater confidence and instead indicate it is likely to take longer than expected to achieve that confidence. >> sandra: i guess the way to take that as interest rate cuts may be a ways off, no rush to cut rates after the latest inflation read came in hotter than expected. let's bring in terry duffy now the chairman and ceo of the cme group we go way back it's good to have you on the program today. >> not great to be here with bill hemmer. >> i was very happy to connect you two. by the way that's a good teaser because i will ask you about women's sports, you've been a big part of the growth of the lpga i want ask about the wnba,
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i'm sure you are up every morning trying to protect what happens next it affects your business and your customers. so much uncertainty out there when it comes to the inflation rate this is affecting every single american right now. as they are racking up record credit card debt to pay off these high prices where do you see this going, is this an environment where we can cut rates yet? >> i'm not sure but i will tell you they would predict who we have anywhere between 3-6 rate cuts and those same are now talking about how they knew all along we would only have one rate cuts i think there is such a disparity in what has happened with the overall market that if you are not managing that risk you will have duration sitting on your books. everything you just mentioned is true. there is a borrowing component. whether it is energy, whether it is homes, it's the cost of carrying money and what that
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costs as an impact on inflation. the average consumer is paying substantially higher prices and wages can't keep up. that's not a political statement, that's a fact. >> sandra: when i say we go way back he remember me as a traitor on the trading floor and you go back to cme you are a traitor back in the day. >> livestock traitor. >> sandra: yes, thank you but i've lost all of the jargon, thank you, but there was an old trading -- high prices cure high prices but these high prices don't seem to be going away. you look at the price of gold i think our team was able to put it together when i said you were coming on so many people said ask him about gold. it is at an all-time high, terry. what does this tell you and do think it keeps going? >> it's hard to predict if it will keep going but talking about the consumer let's talk about how the consumer is healthy. the consumer is getting paid more for working less. and scenting them and they are
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demanding more money so most businesses if not all like ours our biggest cost is our employee base. if we are going to pay employees more, how does that reconcile what the value of your stock? right? so i think there is a mix match coming down the pipeline, sandra, so i don't think people have put that into their equation in managing risk but the consumer is very impressive. that will either come to a screeching halt or the price of the market has to come down. one has to give that the biggest component. >> sandra: interesting. >> and with gold you hit the nail and that we are at $24.29 as an all-time high in gold, some say that is too cheap so we don't know where it's going to go. >> sandra: as far as risk there is a lot of it out there. there in the business of managing risk and helping customers manage risk. you know, we sit here and we cover the news and watch the markets react and what is happening in the middle east. main, great geopolitical risk out there, what are you seeing
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as far as customers seeking to hedge that risk? >> i'm seeing a great state of complicity with geopolitical risk over the years. and it's amazing as you said i've been around a long time in the market and participated myself over 25 years. now managing an exchange for the last 20. it's amazing the complicity i have seen for people when it comes to geopolitical risk. >> sandra: is that because we are producing so much oil? >> no, i think it's yesterday's newspaper people get shortsighted about what is going on in october 7 happens in israel and people seem to forget about it later and with protests and things of that nature but no one is doing anything about it. i think we get complicity about people managing that risk. that's not healthy. i hope people will manage the risk more appropriately. >> sandra: last question on the economy are you optimistic? you hear these guys jpmorgan, jamie dimon, some big red flags out there about what may or may not be coming, what are your thoughts? >> i mean he is a very
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sophisticated guy with a good view of the economy and global economy so whether he is right or wrong we are all right or wrong. i think you have to be cautious as we go forward here and, listen, i don't predict prices, and manage risks as you said. i try not to get into production too much. we talked about duration earlier. if you have duration risk and you are not laying that off, that's what took down sv bank. if you don't manage that duration and if we don't get fed cut rates like people predict we could get more duration. >> sandra: interesting statement. i'm finishing off that topic a little bit and i go when i do go way back with you, you were part of the early rise of ladies g golf. you are very actively in the lpga early on when not a lot of people were paying attention
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increased awareness, some of these people you made them stars i'm thinking of natalie gold in these early tournaments i went to a few, the wnba is at an important point with caitlin clark and this new salary everyone's talking about her $76,000 a year salary after she broke records beating men's basketball, what do you want to see happening here question what do you have any advice knowing what you did for the lpga and still are, what should they do too, you know, too -- to continue to bring eyeballs to the sport? >> i think caitlin clark has the eyeballs and i think others in college ranks as they are entering the pro ring i am hopeful that people like myself will have varied diverse company so i have a lot of women and we treat wnba the same way we don't discriminate against women, we don't discriminate against other people with where they came from it doesn't matter. so we want to make sure we continue to do that. when ladies golf wasn't natural
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for us i'm hoping the wnba sees the same growth we have been able to see was the el letter l. the highest first prize anybody would get is $4 million. why do we pay that? because that's what the highest player gets. we want to make sure we had a quality in our tournament. i would think the wnba hopefully will have that same kind of success in basketball that the l will pga tour has hadn't golf. >> i just sprung that are you thinking about getting involved in the wnba? >> no but i'm going to watch the games that's pretty fascinating. it's a different game than a few years ago and that's what happened to golf. it was one way and became a different game. these ladies are amazingly talented. the women in the wnba are amazingly talented. that will drive you. speak of that viewership incredible. i hope you will come back and do it again.
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i had i said you have to beat my body built hemmer you are both awesome golfers and now we are all midwesterners. >> he is from ohio, though. >> we will let that slide, right bill? >> bill: challenge accepted. >> sandra: can we pop bill up? >> pleasure meeting you. >> sandra: thank you, terry. >> bill: great insights on what's happening, thank you terry. any moment now all senators will be sworn in as the jurors of the impeachment trial of homeland security secretary mayorkas republicans want a full-blown trial which democrats have no intention of doing. it was about this time yesterday one house impeachment managers escorted the articles are across the capital to the senate chamber. it's a 22 page articles of impeachment accusing mayorkas of crimes of his handling of the border crisis. only one cabinet official has ever been impeached in the u.s. history. this may not however go very far on the senate side.
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stay tuned for more on that sander? >> sandra: high prices as terry and i just discussed are hurting a lot of americans including a first-generation rancher who says inflation is a "relentless force impacted in the future of her business" she will join us live coming up plus this. >> chinese communist party is telling us that it wants more fentanyl entering our country. he wants the chaos from this epidemic and yes that means more dead americans. >> bill: selling to pay attention to in the report on how involved the ccp out of china is in the fentanyl crisis in our country. with me in a moment how we are government hold the ccp countable?
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>> sandra: fox news alert as we look live in pittsburgh as the president continues his campaign tour there in pennsylvania. he is expected to speak live shortly on the economy. this as the anti-israel protest outside the door where he is about to speak to continue, that is a live look screen right of those protests and we will keep our eyes on that for you. >> the question is are they just bystanders watching this traffic, don't want to interview because we are the ones or are they active? which is clear from this that they are knee-deep in that they are complicit in the trafficking and they are driving the trafficking. they are incentivizing the trafficking. sandra: that's former agent bill barr talking about china knee-deep in fentanyl crisis affecting so many americans it's devastating communities across our country after a bomb showering report shows the ccp
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is financially supporting chinese companies that produce and export materials that make it all. roger christian morphy, thank you for being here. good afternoon to you. >> thank you so much, bill. >> sandra: what will our government do to protect its own people? >> i think we need to do two things one, at least tens of thousands of chinese chemical companies that are potentially doing legal business but they have a side hustle and exporting illicit fentanyl. we have to sanction those companies because we need to leverage what they want which is access to our economy by saying look, you can either do a legal business, or an illicit business but you cannot participate in our economy if you do the illicit business. the second thing we have to do is we absolutely have to clampdown on shipments of fennel
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directly from china to the united states and that means closing the certain loopholes in our customs and border control process with things over $800 in value things over and hundred dollars in value do so going to websites in china and click on links that send fentanyl directly from china to the u.s. >> bill: that is her markable stuff but the problem is this we know china has been knee-deep and these are bill barr's words here we know they've been involved for years and the border has been this way for years so why would the people in your district at home think anything would change now? >> i think there has to be a sense of urgency now you are absolutely right. we have not done anything, we have not done enough. i think now if you were in that hearing room and you saw those victims families and the searing pain they are going through, we
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have no choice but to act right now. and thankfully the select committee on the ccp has stood up on a bipartisan fashion and we are trying to tackle this in a bipartisan way. that report that bill barr cited was done with democrats and republicans working together to dig deep and try to figure out what we do next. i feel good that we are going to actually move based on this. >> bill: i hope you're right about this. here's one of the headlines in fentanyl production and here is more of how you can't trust mexico and you can't trust china. >> the chinese and the mexicans give us happy talk they are not cooperating. both complicit in trafficking in my opinion. we have to start getting much tougher. >> sandra: janet yellen was asked about this and she said there's an amount in the area of cooperation. i don't know if you took that
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argument back to illinois people would be convinced. >> i have not heard the cooperation yet, bill. for instance when we had hundreds and hundreds of names of people who have been indicted in the u.s. for drug trafficking who live in the people's republic of china, chinese authorities don't prosecute them. when we point to the hundreds of websites that basically you sell things like pr protoniazine whih is deadlier than fentanyl and we say take this down they haven't done it yet. we are looking for action not happy talk. >> bill: i hope you get it done and think of coming on today. >> thank you, bill. >> bill: sandra? >> sandra: safety record for boeing as a quality engineer is blowing the whistle on a shocking issue with this 787 78t plus this. >> you're voting for a guy who tells you everyday america sucks? what is wrong with you?
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who raised you? what history did you read? like, where are you from? >> bill: we have had what is considered another deplorable moment. going after trump supporter's about 74 million of them katie will join us on that she is n next. ♪ or because of our expert dealers. ♪ not even because it has implements for every job. you just have to get in the seat, because breaking ground on your dream home, feels pretty great. now through april 30th, get 0% apr for 72 months on select compact tractors. ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher,
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>> what's wrong with you? who raised you? what history did you read? where are you from? because you may claim to be where i am from but you were not raised by the same teachers i was raised by. and you don't read. >> sandra: the far left media has another deplorable's moment now it's joe scarborough from msnbc trading supporters of former president donald trump. editor of has i'm sure no response to what we just heard, katie?
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>> it just proves the democrats have become the party of the elites and if you don't think like them or go to the same institutions or have the same high degree education that you must not know how to read. >> sandra: katie, if you could thank you, we will go live to the senate floor for the impeachment trial of mayorkas live on capitol hill where senators are being sworn in for that impeachment trial we will dip in here and listen. >> do you solemnly swear that in all things appertain to the impeachment of alejandro n mayorkas you will do justice so hope so help you god? >> i do. speak of the clerk will now call the names and groups of four, senators will present themselves at the desk to sign.
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>> ms. baldwin, mr. bennet, mrs. blackman. >> sandra: all right so katie why don't you weigh in on what is happening live on capitol hill right now as we sort of dip in and out as the news warrants, but this is the senate considering the mayorkas impeachment articles as we saw yesterday, we saw the articles being walked from the house cited to the senate side, the senators are being sworn in as jurors in this impeachment trial against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, the democrat-controlled senate is expected to move quickly to dismiss these charges while republicans, katie, we continue
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to hear and insist there be as we had joni yesterday a full trial. what are your thoughts as we watch the slide? >> a big question whether the senate would even take up these articles of impeachment and of course a lot of pressure on senate leadership both republicans and democrats to hold a serious trial of consideration. you had dozens of republican senators sending letters to both senator or mitch mcconnell minority leader and majority leader chuck schumer saying it would be a dereliction of duty for them not to follow through with the president and hold a proper trial for secretary mayorkas who of course was impeached in the house as articles were walked over yesterday. also yesterday senate minority leader mitch mcconnell firmly standing on the house of floor that he believes they need to move forward with a serious trial and serious consideration of the evidence here, but of course democrats are trying to have this political ploy this was done for political reasons and they don't believe that
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mayorkas and what he has done and not enforcing the laws of the books in terms of illegal immigration that heat is on and they are saying it should not be used for political reasons which is quite interesting giving their impeachment proceedings in the past so we will see how long this takes and whether they seriously consider the evidence here and have a proper trial. >> sandra: katie, obviously the drama that mike johnson is facing in the house, he faces growing threats to his speakership this is all happening while we watch this on the senate floor. >> we are watching this on the senate floor. we are also watching democrats coalesce in saying these are the illegal immigration crisis doing a fine job and trying to make the admission that something needs to be done on the campaign trail as president joe biden
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moves forward knowing illegal immigration is the number one issue. you are seeing communities all across the country impacted by this weather in georgia with the murder of laken riley or showing the child molesters and child being let out of prison, the feds not going into enough areas and getting these criminals out yesterday and capitol hill exposing that a number of these hardened criminals have violence records that were illegally paroled into the country. there is plenty of evidence to go through in terms of what has happened and the laws that have been broken pointed out by the house and to the senate and the list of republicans that continue to say there needs to be a full hearing continues to grow. >> katie if this was a promise house republicans make that they would go over mayorkas and that
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with regard to the senate side you see him saying "for the sake of the senate's integrity and impeachment in those rare cases we truly needed, senators should dismiss today's charges" half of that statement probably would apply to demo republicans a fews ago on impeachment but i would expect schumer to dismiss this. >> chuck schumer does not want this to be the focus of what the u.s. senate is doing. he does not want the child to be lengthy for the sake of media covering it, god forbid they talk about the illegal immigration issue and the fact the executive branch through the department of homeland security has not been enforcing the laws, it has divided millions of people coming into the country illegally. they don't want this front and center in terms of the news we are consuming because that translates onto the campaign trail where illegal immigration is the number one issue in
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states across the country especially the states joe biden needs to win and states he is having a really hard time going up against donald trump. an honest issue of double-digit inconsistent poles. >> sandra: we are attempting a chat program to take us through what we are watching in the senate floor right now, katie if you could stay with us, he is live on capitol hill what is happening, chad? >> they just swore in patty murray the president of the senate the most senior member of the majority party she will preside over this impeachment trial. you know usually you have the chief justice of the united states, john roberts or the president or the vice president not necessarily a captain so that's why patty murray is going to reside. and the other thing they have just done is have a group of the senators they are calling them to the front of the senate chamber in small groups where they will sign their names into this book. they will swear them individually as the jowers in this case.
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now, what happens here we don't think they will be jurors for very long. we probably will have some motions made at the end of this process once they are all seated as a jurors where chuck schumer will try to allow for a little bit of latitude for the impeachment managers to present their case but it probably will not go far with the republican senators and they will make points of order they want to have alejandro mayorkas the homeland secretary answer some of the impeachment charges, there are a couple of different proposals by mike braun republican of indiana also mike lee republican of utah, and they try to put some of these motions forward chuck schumer will probably move to table or dismiss. he will say look, those aren't the things i am offering. i'm offering you a chance to at least hear from the managers. we don't want to spend too much time on this and if you can't agree to that, john kuhn from south dakota he indicated it
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will be a little bit of the wild west here on the senate floor for the next few hours because we don't get into the situation very often but he thought this would all be wrapped up by dinnertime. there have been 22 previous impeachment trials. this includes president's cabinet secretary william bell matt who was in 1876 and a slew of federal judges over the years they keep pointing out this is the first time they have not rendered judgment in an impeachment trial. there is a little bit of an asterisk next to that because there was a federal judge back in 2010, samuel kent, the house impeached and before they could actually start the impeachment trial and get to this stage where they are bringing in the senators and swearing the men, he resigned. so the senate did not want to go through with this, nor did the house so the senate took a boat to dismiss. we have had previous votes to dismiss and other senate trials over the years.
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you had a motion made by the legendary west virginia senator, robert byrd, back in the impeachment trial in 1999 that was a dismiss that did not carry. there was also a motion made by rand paul through republican senator from kentucky in the first impeachment trial of president trump in 2020 and that went away as well. >> just back up a little bit. what is schumer's obligation with these terkel articles? what must he do under the rules of congress? could this be kicked aside in a couple of hours? or will we find ourselves in a story that goes on for a few days? >> this will be wrapped up probably tonight. the obligation is to do pretty much what they are doing. there are senate impeachment rules that were developed in 1983 and they basically have to go through at least rule three. you are seeing rule three right now where they brought the articles over yesterday, they presented the manager is to the
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senate, they listen to the articles read by mark green, the republican representative from tennessee who is the lead impeachment manager and the chair of the homeland security committee, and they brought them back next day over the senate impeachment rules at 1:00 in the afternoon to swear everybody in as witnesses, as jewelers. so that's what they are doing. after that it's anybody's ball game. usually you would have presentations. again i say usually come with only done this 22 times in history of the republic, you have presentations to the impeachment managers and also for the defense counsel for the accused in this case alejandro mayorkas, i have asked the homeland security department several times since january of who might represent them and they never gave me a formal name because they didn't expect this to go too part. >> think we will stand by and we will be back with you in a matter of moments when news and our headlines thank you for t that. sandra what is next? >> sandra: all right bill chicago struggling with the
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migrant crisis costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars we will speak to one resident who says there is a humanitarian crisis in the black community as they are told there is no money for them. >> bill: also an exciting advance in the fight against cancer dr. mike seeger will talk about missing research offering new help with children with hard-to-reach and recurring cases of cancer. s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what?
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so far, we know republicans are going to try to carry that out. they will try to make this process is lengthy and as politically painful as possible so we are watching this as it has officially begun after they came from house to the senate yesterday and we will continue watching this for you. >> bill: we shall end in the meantime some medical news interesting stuff here important as well groundbreaking research offers great hope for children with cancer. that creates a personalized approach that combines dna analysis with drug testing on tumors. if it works, it would quickly figure out which treatment works best. dr. marc siegel fox news contributor with me now, good to see you good afternoon. this is florida international unit combining dna analysis with drug testing. you've seen the research doesn't work as an effective and as it is groundbreaking as they say, doctor? >> i think it's a groundbreaking approach, good afternoon. it's actually out of nicholas children's hospital which is
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part of florida international university panthers looked at 25 children here and they are going to have to look a lot more. now what is different about this is they are taking tumor cells from the child and by the way, cancer is the number one cause of death from illness for children and teens, incredibly tragic when that happens. these children have reached the end of the world where treatments weren't working at all. here's what they do here. they figure out genetic differences then they bombard the tumor cells with different treatments. dull, some of them not even intended for cancer, and they look to see what how the tumor cells respond to predict what will work inside the body. and they call it functional precision medicine which is just what it sounds like. everybody has a different look to their tumor. everybody maybe will respond to different treatments whether it's chemotherapy or immunotherapy. once they figure out outside the body which works they do it inside the body and they found about an 88% remission rate,
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which is tremendous for children that already have failed other treatments. now, i know you are thinking what i am thinking. what about artificial intelligence? that is going to be an enormous aid to this because literally you can use computers to help you guide those treatments for those specific tumors. everyone gets a different treatment in the future based on genetics, based on drugs, based on artificial intelligence. >> i want to squeeze in another topic here, cdc is investigating bosch botox that it was either fake or fraudulent here are the result of it. blurry or double vision, drooping eyelids, difficulty swallowing or breathing, dry mouth slurred speech or weakness, what do you know about this and what is safe? >> i talked to cdc about this in nine states here is the issue. botulism toxin is poison that comes from a bacteria that creates a poison blocking zero transmission by using tiny doses the key and the headline as it
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has to be an fda approved product. it has to be someone administering it a physician who knows what they are doing and has done it regularly. if you get too much you can cause all the side effect, nine people ended up in the hospital four needed antitoxin really serious stuff. >> dock, nice to see you, marc siegel. >> protesters have been shutting down bridges and blocking entrances to airports, are you okay with that type of protest? >> go ask the people who are doing it. >> are you okay with people chanting "death to america?" >> bill: no answer >> sandra: turning anti-american in some places ana growing problem for democrats. just ahead on that. >> bill: and from the mile high city the denver mayor planning to defund the police and if so, does that money financed the program for money financed the program for newly arrived migrants flooding into the mile high city? check it out take you there
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>> sandra: any moment now president biden will take to the podium in pittsburgh to deliver remarks to steelworkers on the economy there and for the second day nro he is he is met by anti-israel protesters that is a live shot outside where the president will be speaking. peter doocy is also there traveling with the president so
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peter, what we expect to hear from the president when he begins speaking? >> first, sandra, about what you are hearing outside on the fourth floor of this headquarters build steelworkers headquarters building the ark two huge groups of protesters, one chanting for a cease-fire another saying bidenomics has to go. and an elevator ride away he will talk about tripling steel tariffs on china from 7.5%-25% which will go over well in the steelworkers union will hear that in a few minutes. >> sandra: we will check back in with you shortly as we head back to the senate floor. the senators have been sworn in for the impeachment trial of the homeland security secretary mayorkas chuck schumer is speaking we will dip in here. >> back at that time the senate vote on or the order listed with
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no amendment and further and following the disposition of the trial resolutions if they are not agreed to senator schumer is to be recognized to make a motion to dismiss the first article of impeachment that the motion be subject to only seven points of order. that there be up to 60 minutes for debate concurrently equally divided on the motion to dismiss. and that following the use or yielding back of that time the senate vote and relate to the point of order in the order raised and the motion to dismiss. further, senator schumer is designated as a motion to dismiss the second article impeachment that the motion be subject to only one point of order that there be up to 60 minutes for debate, concurrently and equally divided on the motion to dismiss and following order and following back at this time in relation to the point of order in the order raised in the motion to dismiss
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and further disposition of article to the senate vote to adjourn the court of impea impeachment, finally that there be up to 4 minutes for debate equally divided between the two leaders and designees prior to each all without intervening action for debate. >> is there an objection? >> reserving my right to object. to dismiss or table articles of impeachment against secretary mayorkas without a trial here today or in committee is an unprecedented move by schn senator schumer. never have they been tabled impeachment when the impeached individual was alive and not resign. as senator schumer said in 2020 "a fair trial has witnesses, a fair trial has relevant documents as part of the record. a fair trial seeks the truth. nothing more, nothing less" i will not assist senator schumer
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in setting our constitution ablaze and bulldozing 200 years of precedent. therefore i object. >> madam president -- >> objection is heard. >> madam president, i raise a point of order that impeachment article 1 gram does not allege conduct that rises to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor as required under article 2 section 4 of the united states constitution and is therefore unconstitutional. >> under the precedents and practices of the senate, the chair has no power or authority to pass on such a point of order. the chair therefore under the precedence of the senate submits the question to the senate. is the point of order well ta taken? the republican leader is recognized. call the role. sandra: all right, chad,
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take us through what exactly is happening as we hear chuck schumer speak on the senate floor. >> what chuck schumer was trying to do there was give republicans an opportunity to have some debate, have some points of order on their issues with alejandro mayorkas and talk about this for a while. you usually don't have debate on the floor for such a proceeding in a senate trial but you can do that by unanimous consent. this is where all 100 senators would agree and what chuck schumer was asking for there was one hour of debate on tfirst impeachment article and offer several points of order and an hour on debate on the second impeachment, and one point of order and you have to get all 100 senators to agree to that. there is an objection, eric schmidt the senator from missouri the former attorney general from missouri
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says i am not going to allow chuck schumer to set the senate trial ablaze here so he objected so what happens then, you have a vote. basically work chuck schumer says all right, guys, i gave you a chance so he made a point of order and they are voting right now to kind of get rid of what eric schmidt objected to so that is the procedural vote going on right now. at the end of this, there's a couple of different ways this could go. you could go back and have additional points of order made by republican senators to say we want to hear from mayorkas, we'll want to have him submit some written responses to our questions, that was one of the proposals out there, and you could go to the same process two or three times but at some point here chuck schumer will say look, i was willing to give you some debate time. we have limited for traffic in the senate, we have a deadline of friday night to approve liza which is on the clock right now the house approved that last week and they have it sync up


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